Thursday, July 23, 2009

And we're done

I've just been told that the exhibition is ending tonight - so anyone who wants to have a look, best to get in quickly! I'm sorry about the short notice; I was under the (admittedly rather vague) impression that we were going until the end of the month.

It's been a fascinating experience; and a very positive one. I've loved getting the feedback on the works, and am more grateful than I can say for the support everyone's given me.

An extra thanks to the people who've bought works - Berkelouw will be calling you to finalise payment, and you can pick up your images from tomorrow. Sales-wise, I did much better than I expected, and sold five works, which clears my costs, and pays for a new mat cutter - expect pictures tomorrow.

I didn't quite clear enough for the lighting course, sadly, so I'll be learning how to make pinhole cameras instead.

And now I plan what I want to do next! Suggestions?

Urban 4

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