Sunday, June 21, 2009

And we're off!

NbN Opening Night-3

Opening night went fabulously - thank you so much everyone who made it out on a cold, wet Thursday night to see the works and celebrate.

NbN Opening Night-8
Obligatory photo of the artist; I'm the one leaning on the distinguished guy at the right.

We had surprisingly few (read: none) hitches - my nightmares of frames falling off the wall overnight, or images sneaking out of their mats didn't eventuate, and everyone seemed to have a good time. Next time I'll take the day of an opening off, and probably the day after as well - I was pretty tired and sore the next day; but I'm so very happy. Thank you, everyone.

NbN Opening Night-10

The exhibition will run for the next four weeks, so if you couldn't make opening night, make sure you drop in and take a look.

There are more photos from the opening in the main gallery; click through any of the images, or click here to see them. Most of them weren't actually taken by me; we handed the camera around quite a bit.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Arwen. So glad to hear that the opening went so well. Thanks for posting the pics of it here. It's great to share in the occasion - even from interstate.
best wishes

Arwen said...

Thanks Kay! And thanks for passing the details along to Christopher as well; he's doing a writeup for the APS journal, and we're hoping to make it to each other's exhibitions.

Arwen said...
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