Friday, November 30, 2007

Urban 5

Urban 5

Terrace houses, Newtown.

Today is the 30th of November. Why is that significant, you ask? Because that means I've made it through NaBloPoMo, or National Blog Posting Month - a bloggy version of NaNoWriMo.

To celebrate, the first person who comments can choose the shot of their choice from the blog so far, and I'll send them an 8 x 10 copy to do with as they will (although I'd prefer framing and admiring, rather than using as a dartboard, personally). Lj readers, please click through and comment on the blog rather than the feed; otherwise it gets confusing!



Anonymous said...

Water 6 is pretty awesome... can't claim I'd mind a print of that to hang somewhere. Not that there aren't other awesome ones, of course.

Anonymous said...

Far be it from me to engage in commenting just to get a copy of a picture.

Wait, who'm I kidding? I really like the urban pic you did yesterday, and I would actually frame it and hang it at work.

I've enjoyed reading the writing, too.

Arwen said...

Steve: Print coming up! Honnete, we'll talk later - and thanks :)